i sat down and wasted my life away on this game for over an hour before realizing it was past midnight
good stuff
i sat down and wasted my life away on this game for over an hour before realizing it was past midnight
good stuff
this is a nice short lil play. i enjoyed it.
a thing i liked is how it's a lil more unique than most other fishing games. you have to actually bring it up while avoiding other things which i like
it's not perfect, though. for example, the data doesn't save (despite the description claiming it does). maybe it was a one-time error, than if so im sorry, but i played for a while, went to go get some lunch, remembered this game exists a few hours later, and my data was cleared. there are also a few other quality of life things that i think would make the game better, like sensitivity controls (how sensitive your key presses are for controlling stuff)
but yea other than that this is a good play
Sorry to hear you lost your save! There's a few people that reported the same thing
who said video games were an ineffective way of storytelling?
i shed a tear at this man
EDIT: rewrote review since the optimization issues were fixed
i like this game a ton. it has a nice art style, its controls make sense and are responsive, and it was overall a good time
this is simple fun. i'd recommend this to anyone who likes simple platformers looking for a half hour to kill. good stuff
Hey! Thank you for the review! are you using Brave browser by any chance? I find that it uses tens of times more cpu on Godot games compared to Firefox and Chrome, if that isn't the case, then I don't know what might be causing that! The game is by no means fully optimized, but I have taken some measures to increase performance, I might have to look a bit deeper into it!
this game was pretty alright i'll say. i'll cut it some slack since it was made in 72 hours and you only recently bought PICO 8, but i'll still give some constructive criticism
a bug i found is that when i performed a perfect dive, i didn't get the badge for it. doesn't seem to affect others, just me for some reason
as for the actual gameplay, it was incredibly frustrating to control. you moved way too fast both horizontally and vertically, and it always seemed like when you wanted to hit the bubbles, you would go to it and then overshoot the target, and when you tried to avoid a bubble you move too much and just hit its neighbor, and don't even get me started on collecting the bulbs
im exaggerating a lil in the last paragraph, but you get my point. it was fine, but there were parts where it just wasn't fun
frankly im not sure what this is but i enjoyed it nonetheless
I may be stupid... yea.
Joined on 2/18/23