wow. beautiful. genuinely beautiful
the instrument choice is spot-on. i love the bass, especially. the way everything comes in feels really natural as well, like the vocals. speaking of the vocals, they have so much damn emotion behind them. i love it. the harmonies on the vocals are also really good and definitely added some depth to the song
appreciate the guitar solo at 2:58 , those parts are always awesome for me whenever they're in songs
i like the general structure of the song too, mainly how it wasn't until the first chorus was over that the drums were a heavy part of the verses. don't know how to word it (cuz i don't make music in forms like these. instrumental gang for life), but just know i like it. whatever ya did it's working
i also do hope you're doing better now, y'know, regarding the reason this song exists n' all
this piece touches me. it's beautiful. i love it